線上會客室Online Class

第二梯次線上課程時間: 2021/10/18至2021/11/21
時段一 : 每週一至週五晚上8:00至9:00 | 8:00 - 8:30 | 8:30 - 9:00 |
時段二 : 每週六早上9:00至10:00 | 9:00 - 9:30 | 9:30 - 10:00 |
範例: 如欲報名Teacher Cesar 每週四 晚上8:00 - 8:30的課,報名選擇時段即代表報名五週課程

Teacher Precious
Mondays- The Zoo Vet Series
10/18 (一)What am I? 11/08 (一) Days of the week
10/25 (一)Guided reading 11/15 (一) How to look after animal
11/01 (一)Animal initial sounds
Tuesdays- Farm Animals Series
10/19 (二) Farm animals and their sounds 11/09 (二)Jobs on the farm
10/26 (二) What am I? 11/16 (二)Granddad’s farm
11/02 (二) Farm animal homes
Wednesdays- The Sports Series
10/20 (三) All about sports day 11/10 (三)Winter sports
10/27 (三) Sports and seasons 11/17 (三)Olympics
11/03 (三) Sports that South Africans love

Teacher Alexander
10/18 (一) Guitar Basics and Writing a Song
10/25 (一) Video Game Vocabulary!
11/01 (一) Talking About Movies
11/08 (一) Making Small Talk (Canadians Etiquette)
11/15 (一) Superstitions

Teacher Cody
10/19 (二) Anime
10/26 (二) Describing Appearance
11/02 (二) Smartphones and APPs
11/09 (二) Flavors and Textures of Food
11/16 (二) Going to 7-11

Teacher Oswald
10/20 (三) Learning about Taiwan 1
10/27 (三) Learning about Taiwan 2
11/03 (三) Learning about Taiwan 3
11/10 (三) Learning about Taiwan 4
11/17 (三) Learning about Taiwan 5

Teacher César
10/21 (四) Interesting Cultures in the Americas
10/28 (四) Interesting Cultures in Africa
11/04 (四) Interesting Cultures in Europe
11/11 (四) Interesting Cultures in Oceania
11/18 (四) Interesting Cultures in Asia

Teacher Eunice
10/22 (五) Sports
10/29 (五) Scout - Leave no trace
11/05 (五) Manners
11/12 (五) Health
11/19 (五) Home Safety

Teacher Frederick
10/23 (六) What is for Lunch?
10/30 (六) Save the Earth
11/06 (六) 學校運動會停課
11/13 (六) (更新)The sunset
11/20 (六) (更新)The New Robot Hotel

Teacher Justin
10/23 (六) Holidays
10/30 (六) 學校運動會停課
11/06 (六) Dining Etiquette
11/13 (六) Movies
11/20 (六) Descriptive Writing / Using Adjectives